Carol R. Hughes, Ph.D., L.M.F.T.
California License mfc18377

Carol R. Hughes, Ph.D., L.M.F.T.
California License mfc18377
Pain grabs our attention.
Pain makes us move.
Pain is our teacher.
Whether the pain is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Eventually we are no longer able to ignore our pain.
“What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us.”
“Your pain is the breaking of a shell which encloses your understanding.”
-Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
Once we turn our attention to our pain, we find ourselves at a crossroads. Do we take the road of traditional Western medicine or the road of integrative medicine? Ancient wisdom and now quantum physics teach us that what we pay attention to gets stronger and becomes more “real”. The path of traditional Western medicine teaches us to focus on our pain and attempt to reduce it. In contrast, integrative medicine affirms the contributions of Western medicine while recognizing the profound interconnection of mind-body-spirit, the body’s innate healing capabilities and the role of self-responsibility in the healing process. When we focus on this interconnection, we empower our capacity to heal ourselves. Holistic psychotherapy is a branch on the tree of integrative medicine and it teaches us that our pain is a messenger, whose purpose is to help us understand that our life is out of balance.
By using treatment modalities which interweave the tough-minded science of behavioral change, the ancient wisdom of traditional healing, and the inspiration of the creative arts, I can help you achieve peace by understanding how you can heal and empower yourself.
“I don’t want the peace which passeth all understanding, I want the understanding which brings peace.”
-Helen Keller
Helping Children, Adolescents, and Adults
Heal and Empower Themselves
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Copyright © 2010-2015 Carol R. Hughes, Ph.D., L.M.F.T
website by Anja Hughes’ Designs